All alone the little duck, coming from somewhere, heading to wherever his roam is, makes his way ahead full of resilience. As the little duck moves forward a track stays behind him, marking his path, effort and life. He steadily and strongly swims through the water and focuses on the way ahead. Not looking back, only looking ahead. The past and the path recently tracked no longer belong to him - though they will always be a part of him -, but what comes ahead is his to conquer. Many tides he will find, other ducks will get in his way, many problems he will face. I could not help but admiring his posture and courage. I wondered what was his purpose and what would become of him. While observing this little duck I thought to myself: that might as well be me walking errands as a little duck in this big world. With a smile on my face I wished him luck and watched him continuing his way. Then I turned the other way and continued my own path.- Beyond Teresa, 2006-2007
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