Monday, 24 September 2007

Going Up or Going Down

The only way is up, baby! Like the band would say! No looking down or back, just looking up and ahead! Up, up, up! And it does not count with the help of the elevator. Get up, stand up and start climbing!!!

The First Sunset

Even with all the pollution that characterises this city, it is still possible to see a nice sunset. On the day of arrival to this capital city, I went out with my camera, hoping to find cool and different things to "shoot". However, it was late and not knowing the city the best I could do was to look at the sky and shoot the First Sunset, of many more to follow.
I love to take photos of the sunrise and of the sunset. A while ago, while sharing this thought, a friend told me that people who like to watch the sunrise and the sunset are insecure or too dreamy. I asked him "where the hell did you hear that?", he replied "in a book". Well... I am not sure about that... In my opinion, I just like the magic of the colours produced by the Sun when it wakes up and when it goes to sleep. The sun brings us warmth and light during the day, and when it is time for us to rest it goes away wishing a good night. Why would I not like to take photos of the Sun? Anyways, with this photo I will remember the day of my arrival. To be seen when will I take the photo of the sunset upon departure.

I've Got the Key

Do I really have the key? The key to what? Well, there are many keys in our lives. My latest favourite keys are the ones that open the door to my new (rented) house. My first apartment, and it is actually decent, and cheap, and nice. Used to sharing housing since ever, having a big house for myself is quite odd. Not odd in a bad way, just odd. But it feels good, of course. Too bad there are not many people around to throw dinner parties now that I finally have the space and l'argent. However, visitors are expected :) The other set of keys that I hope to access regularly soon is that of the Nissan that I am supposed to be driving around... but am not. Well in the high-way and with A. giving me lessons. Don't you tell me that driving is like bike riding. It ain't! Well, not for a clumsy person like me. It is as if I get totally un-coordinated as soon as I put my a** in the driver's seat. But I am decided to get the hold of it asap. So, do I really have the key? Yes, I always had the key and I always used it. It may not open the doors we want at times, because the lock is not good, but it is important to try the key in every door we find. The key is to try, try, try hard, insist, be stubborn. I've got the key! Yes I do!

Saturday, 8 September 2007


I am illegal... Painted with bright colours, the image portrays someone with a somewhat rude or bruit look. I wonder what message the artist is trying to pass. Whether this is how he / she sees migrants, or being a migrant him / herself he feels he / she is seen like this. Caught my eye...


Are those the souls of the birds coming out and revealing what can not be said in words? One exhales love, the other one reaches for it and tries to inhale it. However, the image will not change and apparently one's love will not reach the other. In the reflexion in the window a forbidden sign. But Love is there...


Do you miss your family and friends?...
... The add asks... Of course, especially being a Portuguese, how can I not have saudades*? But life is made of meeting, greeting and farewell(s). And there is always the phone to call the family and friends back home in sweet old Portugal, when saudades* are to strong. The poster is part of a campaign being (very much) publicised all over in Brussels. Big Portuguese community equals lots of phone calls to PT, equals profit. Anyways, I am leaving again so no chance to benefit from it. Still the poster was worth the photo :) Even if just for the nice flag!
* Word remains in the original... because it is just impossible to translate :)

Domestic Violence

Men and women, all equal, all respectful. For that who raises the hand over another belittles him/herself in front of the world. Enough of Domestic Violence!
The message left by the artists says it all. Needless to add further words.